Showing posts with label sci-fi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sci-fi. Show all posts

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Doctor is IN

I've been avoiding it for a while now, but it can't be avoided forever. I knew it would come to this, as I am such a huge Doctor Who fan, and of course Matt Smith recently debuted as the new Doctor.

So here I am at last, sitting down at my computer to review Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor.

First off, I'll say that I was a little skeptical. Matt Smith is, at 28, the youngest actor to ever take on the role of "Doctor." I started watching Doctor Who when I was eight, and the episodes I watched were of a Doctor in his forties (well, five-hundreds, but he looked like he was in his forties). Really, he's not that much older than Robert Pattinson, and I worried that such a young face would turn one of my favorite shows of all time into a time-traveling Twilight. Or something just as awful.

But after watching a few minutes of "The Eleventh Hour," Matt Smith's first appearance as the Doctor (if you don't count those ten seconds at the end of "The End of Time Part II") I was pleasantly surprised by his maturity. And here I was expecting some annoying pretty boy.

Matt Smith brings a new level of butt-kicking ferocity different from that of his predecessor. When David Tennant got serious, it just made me want to hold him and coo, "There there, it'll be all right, poor lonely Time Lord." Matt Smith's serious seems far more dangerous. His "don't mess with me look" has already struck fear into the hearts of aliens on multiple occasions.

And yet he still manages to balance in the quirky Doctor we have all come to love (unless you've never seen Doctor Who, in which case, why aren't you watching it right now???). His young age even works to his advantage in the boy-like excitement he brings to each episode. In just a few episodes, he has eaten custard and fish sticks, stolen clothes from a hospital, attacked the Daleks with a wrench, and knocked out a robot with a clumsy uppercut. And evidently, he and the hysterical James Corden will be dressing up in football shorts in a coming episode...

Not to mention he looks super cool in sunglasses.

A lot of the credit for the quality of the episodes does have to go to Steven Moffat (the genius behind "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead," "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances" and the scariest Doctor Who episode ever, "Blink"). Moffat was the perfect writer to introduce Smith to fans, as he, better than anyone else, knows how to WRITE Doctor Who, for fans both old and new.

To top it off, the TARDIS is new and improved. As much as I loved David Tennant, I missed the TARDIS of old (really old, as in, 1970s era old). And now the TARDIS is revamped, with a telephone, hot and cold faucet knobs, and lots of other shiny gadgets. Not to mention levels. I just can't wait to see what's happening next week. Also, TARDIS PRETTY.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stephen Colbert Must Be Stopped!

I like Stephen Colbert. He's got incredibly independent eyebrows, an abrasive interview style, and he changed the pronunciation of his last name for show biz, which are all things I can admire. Also, I find him inexplicably attractive. Maybe it's his bottomless brown eyes. I love the way he blinks.

Who wouldn't find this attractive???

But he must pay for what he has done.

Why? Because he's going to astronaut training! On Thursday's episode of the Colbert Report, he announced that not only did he save NASA from Obama's budget cuts, but now, in gratitude, NASA has invited him to Houston for astronaut training!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Stephen Saves the Space Program
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

This is unjust. This is unjust and unfair and for once in my life, I cannot just look into Stephen Colbert's dark, dreamy brown eyes to make the hurt go away. Because if anyone deserves to go to Houston, it's me.

Yes, I know I'm not exactly in prime astronaut physical condition. And I know I know very little (nothing) about aeronautics. But there is no one in the world who loves space and astronauts more than I do.

  • Before I could read, my bedtime stories were Isaac Asimov's Caves of Steel novels with R. Daneel Olivaw and Elijah Baley.
  • After I learned to read, I moved up to The Foundation Trilogy.
  • Friday nights are for pizza and Star Trek. It started with TNG, but now I'll watch anything except Enterprise, because everyone knows Enterprise sucks.
  • I used to pray to God for the TARDIS to land in my backyard so Tom Baker could take me to other planets and times.
  • I love the Mars specials on Discovery. I want us to make a colony there, and if we do, I volunteer to be the first journalist on another planet!
  • Vacation in Florida meant skipping Seaworld to go see Cape Canaveral. And touch moon rocks.
  • "Gifted" by N.A.S.A. is #1 in my Top 25 Most Played list on my iTunes (and, coincidentally, the best song IN THE WORLD).
  • I have an entire blog specifically pointing out the fact that I am a huge SPACE CADET.
Colbert already got a space-treadmill named after him! Isn't that enough?

So please, NASA, take me instead of Colbert! Or at least, Colbert, could you take me with you?