Showing posts with label Scott Pilgrim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Pilgrim. Show all posts

Sunday, August 22, 2010

No Babies Were Sacrificed In the Viewing of This Film

Oh yes, Internet. The long-awaited movie-going has come to pass, and as of last Thursday, I, accompanied by a small posse of younger boys, went to see "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." For a full idea of general plot and actors and background, you can check my previous blog post on the subject. I refuse to recap that all. Lord knows my last post was too long.

Instead, I will provide you with an idea of whether or not the movie was good:


Excellent movie achieved!

You know that whole, "Oooh, it's sort of video-game-themed!" thing? Well, it turns out the entire movie was entirely set in a sort of video game alternate reality, complete with foes bursting into coins when defeated. The characters seemed at once blithely unaware of the weirdness, and at the same time, completely taken aback by it, like when Scott Pilgrim (main character) expresses shock that he must battle his new girlfriend's exes, and yet no surprise at the concept of battling through song. Or, you know, the fact that a "Pee Bar" appears when he uses the bathroom to show how much he needs to urinate.

I'm not sure if this would be useful or annoying. I guess it depends on whether someone was watching you pee.

My brother, who was a member of the gaggle of younger boys, had already been to see the movie once, and invited me to see it for the sole purpose of watching it again. And he said as he left the theater that he would like to see it once more before it comes out on DVD. Which is impressive, considering tickets now cost $10.50.

The movie does slow down a bit near the end, but overall, it's hilarious, with literally one laugh right after another, so much so that you run the risk of asphyxiating on your own laughter. I'm not going to say anymore a) because I don't want to give anything away, and b) because I want you to quit wasting time and GO SEE IT RIGHT NOW.

I mean it.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Would Give the Right Arm of My Firstborn Child to See Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

It's very simple, really. Ever since I saw the trailer for Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, I've been dying to see it. The movie is based on the comic "Scott Pilgrim" by Bryan Lee O'Malley, (which has just jumped to the top of my summer reading list) and looks chock-full of comic book references and over-the-top action scenes, paired with some witty repartee.

The plot, from what I have gleaned, is thus: Scott Pilgrim (played by Michael Cera) falls for this girl named Ramona V. Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), and must defeat her seven evil exes.

Usually, I don't hear about movies until they're already out on dvd (so I'm behind the curve, so what) so the amount of anguish I am currently suffering waiting for the movie to be released is killing me. I've considered putting myself in a coma until August 13th (the release date) just so I wouldn't have to wait another month and a half to see it, but that seems a little extreme. Also, there's a chance I might not come out of the coma in time to see the movie.

Why am I so obsessed, you may ask? It's simple. I'll make a list for you so it's easy to follow along.
  1. The crazy nerd style. You may not know this, but I was a bit of an anime/manga nerd for some time, and from what I've seen, this movie draws heavy inspiration from that. Also, there's some great video game references, another nerd passion of mine. The trailer says "It's on like Donkey Kong." You better believe the people who made this movie are cool.
  2. The amusing dialogue. Example: "Wait, we're fighting over Ramona?" "Didn't you get my email explaining the situation?" "I skimmed it..."
  3. It's from the director of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, which goes back to point #1: the people who made this movie are seriously cool.
  4. "If you want something bad you have to fight for it. Step up your game, Scott. Break out the L word." "Lesbian?" "The other L word." "Lesbians?"
  5. Michael Cera's drawings.
"Have you seen this one girl with hair like this?"

Yeah, so, when August 13th rolls around, you best believe I'm going to be at the front of that line to watch a wimpy Michael Cera kick the asses of six evil ex-boyfriends (and one ex-girlfriend, from what I've gathered from the trailer).


And if you don't get it yet that this movie will most likely be the greatest thing since Nutella, just watch the trailer already!