Monday, September 27, 2010

The Toothy Truth

When I first noticed the trailer for the new film, "Let Me In" I thought, "Oh no, not another vampire romance. The kids in these films are getting younger and younger. What are they, twelve? Or am I just getting older???"

A snowy romance. This has all the makings of a preteen vampire romance.

Watching the trailer, however, I was soon pleasantly surprised. I mean, sure the trailer starts out in a small town vaguely reminiscent of Stephenie Meyer's books, but this hamlet soon proves to be vastly different from Cutlery, Washington. Sure, there are vampires, but they aren't the dominating cool kids at the local high school.

Instead, from what I've gleaned, little girl vampire's vampire father seems to enjoy strangling people in their cars while wearing a black garbage bag on his head to hide his identity. See for yourself:

The best part comes when little vampire girl (played by Chloe Moretz) proves that she is not a vegan softie and lures a guy into a storm drain only to viciously devour him. This is not altogether surprising, seeing as Chloe Moretz has a reputation for being a violent killer. Still, I give her props for not subsisting on synthetic blood alone, like the vampires in a certain romantic television series.

Also, little vampire girl is far creepier and less annoying than R Pattz.

Oh no, "Let Me In" does not look like another vampire love fantasy à la "Twilight" or "The Vampire Diaries." Perhaps we are witnessing the return to a realistic stance on vampires: they are a bloodsucking soulless menace. They are not made for taking baths with, or even having an abusive, obsessive relationship. "Let Me In" is most likely a cautionary tale about the danger of falling in love with a vampire, because more often than not, she will eat your heart.

I already know I like this movie. And I haven't even seen it yet.

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